Lifesaver support different AI models from multiple providers. You can choose the selected provider in the profile section of the Lifesaver UI. Currently supported models include OpenAI, Mistral, and Anthropic. We recommend you experiment with the different models to choose the answers that work best for you.
You can also select the temperature. The temperature setting influences the creativity of AI models. The higher the number, the more creative the answers. This can also influence the chance of the model to hallucinate. Choose the temperature that works best for you.
Your Personal ProfileLifesaver uses your browser history to analyze the domains you have visited in the past. Domains are sorted by frequency. The top domains are then given to an AI to create your personal profile. When we pass the domains that represent your browser history to the AI, they are sent there by our pass-through server. This means that This profile cannot be linked to you as an individual by the LLM provider. Lifesaver servers do not store any of your data, not even for logging purposes.
The AI-generated profile is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. AIs tend to have biases and can make mistakes. Any mistakes are unintentional and are not malicious.
After Lifesaver creates your profile, it will only be stored in your browser. You can edit your profile at any time and delete entries.
Your Questions
Lifesaver anonymizes your questions before sending them to the AI. We never save your questions or answers on the server. Your questions are only stored in your browser's local storage. The AI we use, be it OpenAI or Anthropic, cannot link your questions to you. Your interactions with the AI coach are private and anonymous.
Your TasksLifesaver can create todo items for you based on your personal profile and visited website domains. Your personal profile is only stored in your browser's local storage. The domains are not stored anywhere but are extracted from your browser history. They look like this: [ "", "", "" ]
Your profile and domains are sent to the Lifesaver server, anonymized, and then sent to the AI. We never save your domains or profile on our server. Your data is only stored in your browser's local storage. The AI we use, be it OpenAI or Anthropic, cannot link your profile or browsing history to you. Your interactions with the AI planner are private and anonymous.
AttributionLifesaver happily uses icons from